YellowScan Navigator is revolutionizing drone mapping for coastlines
MONTPELLIER,France,March 17,2025 -- YellowScan,a global leader in advanced mapping technologies for drones,is set to present its groundbreaking YellowScan Navigator topo-bathymetric system for drones,marking a pivotal moment in technological innovation for environmentalmonitoring.
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Engineering a NewPerspective
The YellowScan Navigator represents a significant advancement in bathymetric mapping,resulting from years of dedicated research and engineering excellence. At its core lies a sophisticated fusion of cutting-edge technologies that redefine underwater terrain mapping,combining exceptional compactness,performance,andeaseofuse.
Utilizingagreenlaser thatpenetratesthewater'ssurface andreflectsofftheseabed,the YellowScan Navigator captures underwater topography in three dimensions. Weighing just 3.7 kg,it is ideally suited for operation from professional drones,eliminating the need for custom or prohibitively expensive equipment.
Specificallydesigned formappingshallow waters—wheretraditionaltechniques,suchassonar on boats,face navigation safety concerns—the YellowScan Navigator has demonstrated effectivefunctionality down to 20 meters in optimal conditions. Furthermore,it produces 3D digital models ofrivers orseabedswithanaccuracy of3centimeters.
Like all YellowScan systems and software,this product is incredibly user-friendly—operating it is as simple as pushing a button. Users don't need a PhDtogetstarted;ourteamofexpertshas pouredtheirknowledge intothisproduct,makingiteasytousewithjustthepressofitsyellow button.
In summary,the YellowScan Navigator is a game-changer for underwater mapping,offering unparalleled precision,versatility,and productivity for various applications.
Breakthrough Highlights:
Miniaturized high-precision sensor technology
Mapping shallow waters from a drone where traditional techniques cannot operate
Adaptive signal processing capabilities for challenging water conditions
Aprecisiontoolinclimate changemonitoring
The YellowScan Navigator is not just a technological marvel; it is a critical tool for monitoring and understanding the complex environmental transformations driven by climate change. By providing researchers and policymakers with an unparalleled window into ecological dynamics,it enables more informed decision-making in the face of unprecedented environmental challenges.
Thetransformativeenvironmentalapplicationsof YellowScanNavigatorinclude:
Tracking coastal erosion and sediment movement with centimeter-level precision.
Monitoring underwater biodiversity habitats.
Assessing coral reef degradation.
Evaluating sea-level rise impact zones.
Documenting changes in marine ecosystems.
"I am very proud to provide the mapping industry and scientific community with an unprecedented tool to understand and respond to environmental challenges," said Tristan Allouis,CEO of YellowScan."Yearsofdevelopmentanddistillationofknowledgewerenecessarytocreate YellowScan Navigator." Tristan Allouis added,"This technology is transforming abstract climate changediscussionsintoconcrete,measurabledata."
The YellowScan Navigator promises to revolutionize multiple sectors through advanced technologyandinnovativesolutions:
Environmental Research:Enhancing data collection and analysis for more accurateenvironmentalassessments.
Marine Conservation:Providing precise mapping and monitoring to protect marine ecosystems.
Coastal Protection Strategies:Supportingthedevelopmentofeffectivestrategiesto mitigatecoastalerosion andflooding.
Climate Migration Planning:Assisting intheidentificationofvulnerableareasand facilitating informed planning for climate-induced migration.
Infrastructure Development: Enabling efficient planning and management of infrastructure projects with detailed spatial data.
Scientific Exploration:Offering new tools for researchers to explore and understand complex natural environments.
+33 411 931 400
YellowScan Navigator - Product Presentation
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